Meet the SSSFHOA Board of Trustees


Jessica Wiltsee (President)

I am a mom and a wife and thoroughly enjoy my community. My daughter just started Kindergarten at Parley's and my son just began school at Park City Cooperative Preschool. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with my family and participate and volunteer my time to their schools and many activities. We enjoy all that Park City and the Silver Springs Community has to offer.

Hunt Williams (V. President)

I am a current (26 years) resident of Silver Springs (in good standing) and current member of the Board of the SSSFHOA. I would like to continue for another 2 years. I feel I have a long term understanding of this neighborhood and the important issues relative to this neighborhood. With over 30 years of Real Estate experience, I have a deep understanding of Zoning, Land Use, Entitlements and CCR's. I love Silver Springs and do not want to see our neighborhood change.

Chris Bachman (Treasurer)

I have been an entrepreneur all my life and understand well the intricacies of managing businesses and ventures from concept through execution. From running a travel company to developing and selling Internet properties, as well as producing concerts and festivals, I love thinking outside the box and delivering projects others may struggle to imagine. The side effect of this is that my creative mind never turns off which, in turn, has spawned a number of inventions through the years.

I first came to Park City in 1985 and fell in love with it. After spending the next decade in Southern California and Lake Tahoe, I took a year off to visit 50 resort towns across the country. After evaluating each one, I became convinced that Park City was the best of the best. In 2000 I returned here, met my lovely wife, and settled into the Silver Springs community where I have been happily ensconced ever since. We share our home with two adorable Maltese, and when they aren’t taking me for a walk, I enjoy skiing, backpacking, hiking, and kayaking. I am also very environmentally conscious and try to leave the places I touch better than I found them.

Editor’s note: Chris publishes the “Silver Springs Life” newsletter, which is not affiliated with SSSFHOA or model HOA.

Walt Wehner (Secretary)

Selected by 2020 Nominating Committee

I'm a father of 3 young children and small businessperson (I own and operate a small bicycle manufacturing company). Our family has lived in Park City since 2014. Many of you know my wife "Dr. Sarah" who runs the science fair at Parley's Park and is a substitute teacher as well. I have experience both with accounting and running a business, and with managing an HOA - I was president of the ARTA HOA in Boulder, Colorado, for 8 years (from 2005-2012). During that time we replacing the roof system of the entire complex, repaved our parking area, and completed many other repairs - all without a single assessment or raising dues. To be honest, I see little to complain about with the current status quo. Our neighborhood is awesome! If elected I'd do my best to keep things running smoothly and hopefully avoid drama/excessive expenses.


Frank Thomas

Selected by 2020 Nominating Committee

Spent 4 years in the Air Force and 9 1/2 years at Western Airlines as a Computer Operator. Hired as a pilot for Western in 1978 and on to Delta when they merged in 1987. Retired from Delta 2005 then worked a year in India before full retirement. Lived in Southern California (excluding my time in the Air Force) until moving to Park City in 1987. Moved into my current home in Silver Springs in 1991 so I'm at just short of 30 years in the neighborhood. Since I've been here that long and I have much more open time in my schedule these days, I believe that this would be a good opportunity to help give back to the neighborhood.


Brian Mehregan

My name is Brian Mehregan, I am 30 years old, and I live at 1554 Meadows Connection with my girlfriend Kinsey and our two dogs, Maggie and Tegan. I have lived in Silver Springs for 5 years and continue to love our Community more each year. Personally, I believe that I would bring a fresh perspective to the HOA Board, given the changing demographics in Silver Springs.

Professionally, I am an HOA Manager with Coopers HOA Management. We manage over 20 HOA’s in Summit County, from some of the smallest to largest Communities in our County. This obviously gives me great insight into how a Homeowners Association can and should operate, along with a keen understanding of why some HOA’s seem to struggle so much with their own Residents. While many people have a common misconception that everyone hates their HOA, this is simply not the case. With a dedicated Board and proper Management, an HOA can flourish, thrive, and be respected and appreciated by the Owners.

Bio Statement continued...

While I am very grateful for the current Board’s efforts, I do believe that there is more our HOA can be doing for Residents. There are several lingering issues, such as the open space parcel 1C and a Bylaw rewrite, that the HOA needs to address, but the current and past Trustees have sadly not done so. Having attended many of the recent HOA Board meetings, I have seen these issues being repeatedly pushed back out of fear of creating more work for the Board. The Trustees volunteered their time to work on these issues, but when asked to do so, they have failed repeatedly. I very much appreciate the opportunity to represent Silver Springs on the Board and guarantee that I would not shy away from the extra effort it will take to bring the above issues to a close after over 30 years. While we are all busy in this crazy world we live in, I am dedicated to putting in the time to make our Community the best it can be.

Shane Bognaski

Awaiting Profile